Job tasks – English

Task 3:

Task 2:

Job: 11 years old, male, naughty and troubled, poor home life, no money.
Luke: 11 years old, male, friends with Job, father doesn’t approve, rich home life.
Jobs mum: female, drug addict, sells her body, fat, dresses inappropriately, doesn’t look after Job.

The crisis in Jobs life is that he has been poorly raised by his mother. No one outside of his family believes in him, apart from his friend luke. Job is beaten by his mums boyfriend and no one stands up for him at home. The real crisis is that Job will be dragged down with his mother and her boyfriend unless he does something to break away from them and start a life by himself.

Job coped with this by acting out at teachers and constantly misbehaving. This however made matters worse because less people believed in him and wanted to help him out. Finally Job treated this matter by blowing up his house and framing his parents for the police before escaping.

We learn that Job is very smart and cunning and that he is more than meets the eye. This changes our opinion on him because we see that all his bad behaviour was a cry for help and that he has helped himself.

Task 4:


Task 5:

The setting effects job because the surrounding he lives in is an inappropriate place to raise a child, it also effects how the story escalates because he finds things around the house that he can use in future to continue with his life.
If I was in this setting I would never want to be at home and try to distract myself with other things. I’d also be embarrassed because people would say things.
I think that the author wants us to feel sympathetic towards Job because that is the only way we can understand him, he also wants us to feel disliking towards the mother because she is raising a child in this environment, this creates a cover for the bad things he does because we believe he does it to escape from his awful life.
Task 6:

Theme 1: overcoming adversity
Characters linked – Job, Jobs mum and her boyfriend.
I linked these characters to this theme because Job is stuck in a horrible situation that his mother and her boyfriend have put him in and aren’t doing anything to help him or look after him. I see his mother and her boyfriend as the adversity that job has to overcome to mature and move on in life.
I think that the author wants us to learn that no matter how difficult things were for Job and how little people believed in him that he could do something to change his destiny and make himself something out of nothing

Theme 2: survival
Characters linked – Job
I linked Job to this theme because after he has escaped his house he must keep on a down low and look after himself to survive. Which is hard for an 11 year old boy with very little life skills.
I think that the author wants us to believe that Job had failed and that he was dead which creates a lot of suspense and makes the ending of the story more interesting because we thought Job had died, but he hadn’t he had managed to escape and make a life for himself.

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